Request a Refill

Refill requests through Key Drugs

Request a refill

For your convenience, we have provided three easy ways for you to submit your refill requests. Please check your prescription bottle or medication box to ensure you have additional refills on your prescriptions. This information can be located on the lower left hand corner of you most current label. If you are out of refills, we will fax your doctor to request additional fills for your medication. This can take time, as most doctors are unable to respond to these requests the same day. In order to make sure that you do not run out of your medication while we are obtaining your refill request, it is helpful to contact us a few days earlier than normal to ensure your doctor has time to get back to us.


By phone

If you call after hours, there is an answering machine available. Please leave your full name, date of birth, prescription numbers, whether you would like pick up or delivery and a call back number.

KEY DRUGS (MIDTOWN): (573) 785-8218
KEY DRUGS AT NORTHWEST: (573) 727-9444
KEY DRUGS AT DEXTER: (573) 614-5900


on the web

Our pharmacy software provides a simple-to-use online interface for sending refill requests to us. Click to appropriate location to submit your request.


on the app

The Key Drugs app is a free application for your smartphone that connects you to your local Key Drugs pharmacy. Not only will you be able to send refill requests, but you will also be able to access important data about your prescriptions while on the go.


For your prescriptions, all Key Drugs locations offer mailing services and free delivery* for your convenience. We ask that prescriptions requesting same-day delivery be submitted before 3pm.

*Delivery available within city limits of pharmacy unless otherwise specified. Please ask pharmacy staff if other arrangements need to be made.